Tabata workout when you're in a hurry

By: Kerry Overfelt (KO)

What is a Tabata workout?

Tabata is a workout protocol that calls for 20 seconds of high intensity work and 10 seconds of rest. This is to be repeated 8 times.

For example if you are doing arm curls, you do as many reps as possible in 20 seconds with good form, then rest for 10 seconds and go again. Do this until you have completed 8 sets of the exercise.

If you're very busy, Tabata can be used for people that need to get in and get out of the gym. You can also use Tabata at home with limited equipment or no equipment at all.

At Darkside we use different variations of the Tabata protocol. Double Tabata is used for 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest. We will also apply a 30 /10 split some days.

Here are some sample workouts for you to try.

Cardio/jumping jacks or jump rope

Either of these will get your heart flying!

Cardio / Power treadmill

The power is turned off and you sprint on treadmill manually. Lean against handles and start going as fast as you can. Short choppy steps are better to begin with, stop at 20 seconds and rest for 10, then repeat . You decide how many to do based on your fitness level.

Compound exercise lower body / DEADLIFTS

Use a weight that's about 60% of your 1 rep max. If you're not sure on that, then put your bodyweight on the bar. Good form is very important, knock out as many as you can in 20 seconds then rest . You will not be disappointed with this routine.

Compound exercise upper body / overhead press

Find a suitable weight, it's better to start a little lighter than too heavy. 8 sets will smoke your shoulders.

Isolation exercise triceps / cable or band push downs

Finding a weight you could get 20 reps with, doing these myself I can tell you from experience this will blow your triceps up!

I can confirm the effectiveness of Tabata, as I always get sore from Tabata work. Use your imagination and use the Tabata method to help achieve your fitness goals.